We are sitting around the table enjoying dinner one night and Kylan pipes up and says, "I have to tell you the truth about something, I've been watching adult movies." Kevin and I look at each other with large eyes and say where have you seen adult movies? Kylan says, "On TV, mom won't let us watch it and it's called 'adult swim' (these are adult cartoons that we don't allow our children to watch like Family Guy and King of the Hill) on Cartoon Network" we had to excuse ourselves from the table and go into our room because we were about to lose it and if you laugh at him he gets VERY offended. After we finished laughing we had to go back and talk to him about NOT watching adult swim anymore and what the consequences would be if he ever did it again. Kylan has such a sweet heart and we've told him that God is watching him all the time even when mom and dad can't see what he is up to and he is always telling on himself and it always starts out with, "I have to tell you the truth about something" and we NEVER know what this kid is going to tell us!
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