Thursday, March 17, 2011

New Recipe of the week 11-Pesto cheese bread

Sometimes the best things in life are simple!  In honor of St. Patrick's Day we decided to make cheesy pesto bread, it's super simple, the pesto is green for St Paddy's Day and it's easy to make plus it's very flavorful.

First get a loaf of french bread and slice it in half length wise.

Next get your pesto, homemade or out of a jar (we didn't make ours this time).  Spread all over both sides, we added some herbs and spices and some garlic too.

Add some mozzarella and Parmesan cheese or whatever kind of cheese you want to add.

  Bake in the oven at 400 degrees for 10-12 minutes.

Enjoy the cheesy, yummy goodness!

Last year we Shamrocked our friends, here's a post about how fun that was!  We also made puffy shamrocks which was a lot of fun but time consuming!


Kyla said...

OMgosh! We love pesto and I have some just burnin' a hole on my refrigerator shelf! I may have to try this!!

Jade Rahl said...

That looks super tasty o.o

already following you :P

Unknown said...

Thanks for hopping by, I'm an adoptive mama, too!

Unknown said...

Looks great! Happy St. Patricks Day to you and yours. Thanks for the follow, now following you back!

Ana V said...

Looks yummy!
Thanks for the follow.
I am now following you.

Nanny Anna said...

Hi Jennifer, Following back!


Are You A Mom said...

I am now following you from the hop! Please stop by and say hi

milliemorganmedia said...

Pesto Pizza is so so yummy. We always make ours on a whole wheat crust with garlic!

Hello! I am a new follower from the Thursday Blog Hop. I love your blog and I look forward to reading more posts. I would appreciate it if you would follow me back as well. Thanks & Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

This looks delicious!!!!

Thanks for following me, I am now following you back! Happy St. Patrick's Day! I can't wait to read more, I love all the recipes that I have seen so far!!!


Ashley said...

oh that bread looks amazing!!! and your children are beautiful! You sound like a fun mom! Thank you for stopping by my blog and I'm so glad that you like my blog badge! I worked hard on it :-) Hopefully you can stop back by next week and link up again! I'm following you now! xoxo
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Shelly said...

MMMMM!! Ok my mouth is watering!! :) Following you back! :) I added your button to "blogs I follow!

Shelly said...

My other blog I have has the "the blogs I follow" LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi, sorry I'm so late {but I do always follow back--eventually}.
Thanks so much for stopping in during the blog hops and following my blog.
Have a great week.

Amanda said...

Oh my gosh!! You just made me hungry - at it's midnight. Time to raid the fridge!

Thanks for stopping by my site - I'm returning the follow.

Your blog looks great by the way - so cute!

Nancy Grossi ~ Churned In Cali ~ The Wife of a Dairyman said...

I'm new to your site and love it! I'm looking at your pesto cheese bread photos and am now craving a 10:20 at night here in CA! Looks delish:)

Celeste said...

O YUM!! This looks delish AND easy to make. I'm going to try this with our next pasta meal. Thanks for sharing! Found you via blog hop. Great, fun blog you have. Hope you'll hop over to mine soon for a look.


clavs said...

tnx for the follow, I am returning the favor. Happy blog hopping!

Hockey Wife said...

Pesto, cheese and bread? Are you kidding me? This is like Heaven on earth for me! SO YUMMY!

New follower, stopping by via blog hop! Hope you have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

This looks yummy!! Thanks for visiting our blog! I am now following back! Have a great weekend!

Wicked Chef # 1 - Linds said...

This pesto dish looks delicious! I can't wait to try it. I am your new follower I hope you will enjoy my blog as much as I enjoy yours!

Jamie's Precious Peas said...

Following you back - thanks!

Santa's Gift Shoppe and Ideas said...

Just wanted to let you know that I “ Featured” you on Santa’s Gift Shoppe Blog Hop today for your great project & inspiration! Be sure to grab the “I was featured” on Santa’s Gift Shoppe Button/Code for your sidebar! You deserve it! Thanks so much..If you’re not a follower already we’d love for you to join us..We are having a Free
Vinyl Giveaway this week & would love for you to enter to win..Have a WONDERFUL Week!!

The Flirtation Experiment-book review and giveaway

About the authors:  Lisa Jacobson  is an author, a podcaster, and the founder of, an online community of Christian women aut...