Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Forgiven Duke-a book review and giveaway

The Forgiven Duke will be released in July 2012

About the Book:
Tethered by her impulsive promise to marry Lord John Lemon - the path of least resistance - Alexandria Featherstone sets off toward Iceland in search of her parents with a leaden heart. A glimpse of her guardian, the Duke of St. Easton - the path less traveled by - on Dublin’s shore still haunts her.
Will he come after her? Will he drag her back to London, quelling her mission to rescue her treasure-seeking parents, or might he decide to throw caution to the wind and choose Foy Pour Devoir: “Faith for Duty,” the St. Easton motto. The Featherstone motto Valens et Volens: “Willing and Able,” beats in her heart and thrums through her veins. She will find her parents and find their love, no matter the cost.
The powerful yet wing-clipped Duke of St. Easton has never known the challenge that has become his life since hearing his ward’s name. Alexandria Featherstone will be the life or the death of him. Only time and God’s plan will reveal just how much this man can endure for the prize of love.

The Author

When she was six, Jamie’s parents met Jesus and soon after started a church. It changed everything.
Road trips with her dad—to and from Bible studies across Indiana—were filled with talks of things beyond earth’s bounds – creation and the fall, God and Jesus and the rapture, the earthly walk compared to the spiritual walk, and how we are born for more than what we can see or touch.
The highlight of those nights was stopping at a truck stop in the middle of the night where her dad would spend a little of the offering basket on two slices of pie and a couple of Cokes. Nothing ever felt so special as a middle of the night slice of pie with her dad. And nothing could stop the writing pouring out of her.
As Jamie’s relationship with God grew, she discovered her heart was filled with songs and poetry. During high school she wrote lyrics for her brother’s band. (And she sang them too!) After college, Jamie married, had two sons and decided to stay home with them. While she home schooled she wrote skits, poems, plays and short stories for school and church.
When her eldest son turned five she dove into the world of novels. She’d read romance novels for years, but couldn’t relate to the flawless, saintly heroines in Christian romance novels. So she decided to write her own.
Snow Angel was born on a frosty night in an old farmhouse in Fishers, Indiana, where the cold floor gave plenty of motivation for the snow scene. Jamie loves to write late at night when the house is quiet and the darkness seems alive. Elizabeth and Noah had been playacting in herhead for a long time, so the story went fast.
Ten years later Snow Angel was published and won the ForeWord magazine Romance Book of the Year winner, was a National “Best Books 2007” Awards winner, and a 2008 RITA Awards® Best First Book finalist. It was the beginning of her dream career.
Jamie and her husband Tony have been married for twenty-one years and live in Indianapolis with their three sons and a giant of a dog named Leo.
If she could only say one thing to her readers it would be, “Live the dreams God has destined you for!"

My Opinion

I was so excited to review Jamie Carie's latest book in the Forgotten Castle series.  If you read my review of the previous book The Guardian Duke then you are aware of the fact that Carie left us with a cliffhanger!  This is a story about intrigue, mystery and of course romance.  You won't want to miss this book since it's the 2nd in her Forgotten Castle series and even if you haven't read the first book I feel you could read this one and be just fine. Jamie did a great job of filling in the back part of the story for you.  I give this 4 out of 5 stars for all the mystery and intrigue in this action packed book.  I can't wait to see what she writes about in her next book!

One Lucky reader will win a copy of this adventurous book!  Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for reading, 


Cranberry Morning said...

It was so interesting reading about the author. I agree with her assessment of so many Christian novels and their syrupy, flawless heroines. Nice to hear that someone is trying to write real stories with God at the center.

Nancy said...

My favorite series is Anne of Green Gables. I also liked the Mitford series.

allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

Alison said...

Oh man! Cedar Cove is one of the best ones. I'm reading a Highlander Series... The first one is The Chief. I believe they are by Monica McCorty. Great great series!

Nicki said...

Love series...don't laugh but love Twilight and Harry Potter and Hunger Games!

Momma Told Me said...

I love the kushiel's dart series!

awhartness said...

I have not gotten in to reading any particular book series. I do enjoy reading biography and autobiography books.

Jenny said...

I do enjoy reading series - I do not have a favorite, but recently finished the Hunger Games.

Nenna said...

I do love reading book series! :) My favorites are Finnish "Tiina"-books :)

Janet Boyanton said...

I read all the time and my favorite series is the Narnia books. I read them when I was young and have reread them several times.

Candie L said...

My family reads a lot of series books (Pendragon; Hunger Games), etc. Thank you


momma8385 said...

I enjoyed The Rose series by Julie Garwood.

momma8385 said...

I enjoyed The Rose series by Julie Garwood.

Savannah said...

I love series books I like having the story last longer then one book:) My favorites being the hunger games, The lords of vice series by ALexandra Hawkins

Debbie P said...

I like The Girl With The Dragon's Tatoo trilogy. Thanks!

The Flirtation Experiment-book review and giveaway

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