It’s Either Her or Me by Ellie Slott Fisher is a must read if you are a mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, or sister-in-law. This book contains advice for mother-in-laws, for daughter-in-laws, for girlfriends, and even for sister-in-laws about when you should give your opinion and when you shouldn't. It tells why some mother-in-laws come across as overbearing, and how to keep from doing that. It guides wives and girlfriends in dealing with jealous sisters and other difficult family members. This book can help you learn how to cope with difficult situations and not only overcome them but to thrive and build better relationships with your in laws.
My opinion:
It's a great book for anyone that has in laws. I didn't relate to most of the issues because I love my in laws and we all get along. I do have friends that have MAJOR issues with their mother in laws and sister in laws so I see how this book could help them. I'm actually giving my copy to a dear friend that REALLY needs to read this book!
Yes, I highly recommend this book it's a great read and I laughed a lot over many of the situations. I do think this book will help me when my children grow up, get married and I become a mother in law. Hopefully I will be the type of mother in law that everyone wants and needs in their life and I'm sure this book has helped me.
Now for the book GIVEAWAY!
Let all of your friends and family know that I'm giving away a book on my blog and it's all courtesy of Random House, they have graciously offered me a book to review and one for a lucky reader! You can enter to win several different ways, the first way and this is the only one that is mandatory is go to Ellie's home page and leave a comment telling me one of the other books she has written
2. leave a comment only on this post
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for all of the above please leave a comment and let me know how many times you need to be entered and what you did, you can even leave a link to your blog so I can check it out!
So, you could enter up to 8 times! This is a great book, it's called "It's Either Her or Me" and is written by Ellie Slott Fisher. Contest ends April 20th, 2010 and winner will be notified within 24 hours of winning!
It sounds like a good book so I just bought one on Amazon.com
My mother in law needs this book so I'm getting it shipped directly to her house!
I'm so excited to read this book and I also signed up to follow you and the author on facebook and twitter.
I'm not sure that this book would be helpful in real situations but I'm going to give it a shot because my daughter-in-law is horrible to deal with on a daily basis and I need ideas.
I'm a follower of you! =)
Hahahaha!! I love the title of her book "Mom there's a man in the kitchen and he's wearing your robe!" It reminds me of a recent episode of Parenthood. I love that new series!
I love to read and would love to win this little jewel. I, like you, love my in-laws. But, hey, maybe they don't all love me so much so maybe it will be enlightening for me. =)
Is "Mom, There's a man in the kitchen and he's wearing your robe?"
I'm looking forward to reading the in-law book. My philosophy is that a heart is big enough to love as many people as one wants. To develop a relationship with anyone, there has to be a desire for that relationship on both sides - the daughter in law has to want the relationship as does the mother in law.
I hear so many wives/mothers of sons talking about their MIL - and I just look at them and say, "Do you want your DIL to talk about you like that?"
Think about it:)
It's Mother's Day Sunday and I'm finding myself missing my mother-in-law. She was a gem. But unfortunately, they aren't all like her! Hence, the reason for my book. Hope you enjoyed reading it.
Ellie Fisher
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