Well we had 5 children with us, we found a pond, we found rocks, sticks, and dirt. It didn't take us 40 min it took us almost 2 hours which was fine. We had a great time except toward the end when we came back to the pond...hmmm, wonder what happened? We were following the boys and they went straight we said you missed a blue marker we have to turn here. All I'll admit to is that we should have gone with what the 8 year old and 11 year old boys wanted to do, these city slicker mama's had no clue and no sense of direction but we made it back to the parking lot safely.
As we were getting ready to leave an older gentleman came riding up on a horse of course! He let the kids all pet Sugar (his horse) and even let Malia and Kenzie climb up on the horses back. My phone's battery was dead by now but Malia got a pic of Kenzie for me.

Next time we're thinking about heading out to Redbud Valley Nature Preserve. What's your favorite hiking spot in your neck of the woods?
Thanks for reading,
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