Friday, December 19, 2008

Elite gymnastics

We are so blessed to be friends with Mom of two girlie girls and she invited us to join her homeschool group at the gym today for a fun playtime and in one of the pics you can see her daughter climbing the rope and she was almost to the top when I took the pic...she climbed all the way and rang the bell many times (that girl can climb)! Makenzie was so excited because she hasn't been cheering for almost 1 1/2 yrs so she doesn't get to play on a springfloor anymore. I wasn't sure if she would be able to still do her tuck or back handspring but she went out and did it like she had never stopped practicing. She had such a great time playing with her friends and then went home for a playdate with 2 of her dear friends. Poor Kylan had night terrors last night and was up until 3am so he stayed home with Gigi and didn't get a playdate.


Dawn said...

Isn't that just the funnest place?

That's great that your daughter can still do those fancy stunts!

Sandra said...

Nice going Makenzie!

Kylan I'm sorry you have those kind of nights. My prayers are for you little buddie.

Merry Christmas :)

The Flirtation Experiment-book review and giveaway

About the authors:  Lisa Jacobson  is an author, a podcaster, and the founder of, an online community of Christian women aut...